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  공지사항       Danang tour NOTICE

   다낭 여행 콘테스트 - Danang Fantasti City 2017
작성자: 관리자 작성일: 2017/07/09 조회: 1505  


You love Danang?
You want to travel for free to this beautiful beach city?
You wish to join in Cocofest 2017 with colorful and exciting entertainment?
Join in “Danang FantastiCity” contest now to connect with new friends and enjoy a very unique, exciting Danang.
Share with us and worldwide friends the most beautiful photos and videos of your youth moments in fantastic Danang.

In early July 2017, Danang Department of Tourism in cooperation with CocoBay will hold the first traveling experience photo contest called ‘ Da Nang FantastiCity ’. This is a platform for the traveling youth and enthusiasts who long to be on the move and check out places. Not only is ‘Da Nang FantastiCity’ a travel experience photo contest, it is also a chance for young people to create and treasure the best moments of their prime, here in the amazing Da Nang city.
 Commencing from 7 ? 9/2017, the contest promises to trigger participation from a vast number of young people nationwide and abroad.

   Round 1: 03/07- 10/08/2017 : Travelling photos of Danang
   Round 2: 31/08 ? 27/09/2017: Experiencing Danang
   Contest results and awards: 27/09/2017
   Participants register and upload their submission photos on the contest official website:
   Each participant will upload an album consisting of 10 photos about a personal trip in any particular places, with a short
   description of no more than 250 words.
   9 participants will be shortlisted to enter Round 2.
 09 participants chosen from Round 1 will be covered their domestic round trips, accommodation, transportation, entrance tickets and meals to complete their trip in Danang for 4 days and 3 nights.
 09 participants will be divided into 3 teams randomly. Each Judge member will take turn to accompany each team to experience Danang, take photos, write blogs and create a video clip about the experience.
 During this trip, every day the Organizing Committee will create a travel topic and challenge for the teams. The teams must complete the challenges and update on their personal sites (by photos, clips or posts..).
 After the trip, each team must create: a video clip about the whole trip (Video length: Under 5 minutes); a photo series of the trip (only the highlights, no more than 50 photos); a personal reflection during the trip (No more than 1000 words).

- 01 First Prize “ DANANG FANTASTICITY ” : 100,000,000 vnd (60.000.000 in cash + inclusive tour to South Korea for each member)
- 01 MOST IMPRESSIVE : 30,000,000 vnd (15.000.000 vnd in cash + voucher for two nights at 5-star Danang resort for each member)
- 01 MOST FAVOURITE: 20,000,000 vnd (10,000,000 vnd in cash + voucher for 1 night at 5-star Danang resort for each member)
- 01 prize for 1 LUCKY VOTER: 5,000,000 vnd (voucher for 2 nights at 5-star Danang resort)
   Tam Bui - Photographer
   Rosie Nguyen - Blogger
   Helen Le - Youtuber Helen’s Recipes
   Nguyen Thi Hoai An -  Deputy Director, Danang Center for Tourism Promotion
   Quach Bao Tran - Project Manager, Cocobay

Sponsoring ‘ Danang FantastiCity ’, CocoBay will light up the firing spirits in you ? our keen young folks, in Cocofest 2017 music festival. The occasion will see the gathering of many top singers in Viet Nam and worldwide, bringing a colorful, vibrant and energizing entertainment outlet. Cocofest 2017 is said to be one of the most tantalizing event in Viet Nam and this year, it is expected to set the ‘worth-living’ city on thrilling vibes.
For more information about the contest, please go on website:
                                                                       DANANG DEPARTMENT OF TOURISM
    N         제목   작성자 작성일 조회
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